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February 2024 Hiking Schedule

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SUNDAY hikes start at 2:30 p.m., go approx. 5 miles and last approx. 1 ½ to 2 hours.


TUESDAY hikes start at 11:30 a.m., go approx. 3 miles, and last approx. 1 hour.

The SPHC walks at a moderate speed of 2.5 - 3.5 mph. Hikers are expected to maintain that pace. (17-24 min. mile) Hikes start on time.

To display a map of the hike locations, click on the underlined addresses

You can resize the map for greater detail or to plan a route. 

Click on map Directions to get the route from your location.

Sunday, 02/4/24 Sharon Heaton 612.581.4638

Meeting Location: Meet at Justice Alan Page Elementary School, 2410 Holloway Ave E., Maplewood

Directions: East of Century Ave on Holloway. 

Hike Description: Hike on some trails and through the surrounding neighborhood.

Treats: Cal’s Pizza Factory, 2137 Division St., N St Paul

Tuesday, 02/6/24 Robert Tholkes 763.913.4453

Meeting Location: Meet at the door of The Exchange Food & Drink, 500 5th Ave NW, New Brighton.

Directions: Parking in the adjacent City Center. Call Bob if directions are needed.

Hike Description: Walk in the area including Hansen Park. 

Treats: Food & beverages at the Exchange. 

Sunday, 02/11/24 Bev Lee 651.428.3784, Patty Peterson 651.276.0006

Meeting Location: Meet in the parking lot after the annual meeting, 2670 Oxford St N., Roseville

Directions: One block East of Lexington on Co. Rd. C. 

Hike Description: We’ll hike Central Park from Victoria to Dale, back to Lexington, N to County Rd C & circle back to the parking lot.

Treats: Pot luck before annual meeting.

Tuesday, 02/13/24 Liz Delay 651.695.5155

Meeting Location: Meet in front of the Highland Cafe, 2012 Ford Pkwy

Directions: SW corner of Ford Pkwy & Kenneth St.

Hike Description: We will walk the neighborhood.

Treats: Lunch at the Highland Cafe.


Sunday, 02/18/24 Jean Boyd 612.709.7770

Meeting Location:  Meet at Jean’s house, 381 Colleen Dr., Vadnais Heights

Directions: South of County Rd F East, off McMenemy St. 

Hike Description: We will hike neighborhood and community path. 

Treats: Mansetti’s Pizza at Jean’s house to follow. 

Tuesday, 02/20/24 Wendy Worner 612.669.8109

Meeting Location: Meet at Ramsey County Suburban Court parking lot, 2050 White Bear Avenue.

Directions: South of Maplewood YMCA.

Hike Description: We will walk on the Gateway State Trail.

Treats: TBD


Sunday, 02/25/24 Brock & Sandy Herlick 651.470.4528

Meeting Location: Meet at the Herlick residence, 645 Warner Ave So., Mahtomedi.  

Directions: Park at the school, across the street, 666 Warner Ave So.

Hike Description: We’ll hike Gateway Trail. 

Treats: When we return, there will be a chili dinner.

Tuesday, 02/27/24 Judy Nelson 651.738.1972

Meeting Location: Meet in the back parking lot of Gormans Restaurant, 11011 Stillwater Blvd N., Lake Elmo

Directions: South side of Lake Elmo Ave N & Stillwater Blvd N intersection. 

Hike Description: We will hike thru downtown Lake Elmo towards the lake. 

Treats: Gorman’s

“There’s just something beautiful about walking on snow that nobody else has walked on.

It makes you believe you’re special.”

- Carol Rifka Brunt

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