January 2024 Newsletter
Sunday hikes start at 2:30 pm, go approx. 5 miles, last 1 1⁄2 – 2 hrs.
Tuesday hikes start at 11:30 am, go approx. 3 miles, last about 1 hour.
The SPHC walks at a moderate speed of 2.5 -3.5 mph. (17-24 min. mile)
Hikers are expected to maintain that pace. Hikes start on time.
Happy New Year SPHC! May every great new day, Bring you sweet surprises.
A happiness buffet!
Our 2023 Holiday Party was a success. Thank you to our Social Director: Sharon Heaton for organizing this event, the committee: Wendy Worner, Vicky Beutel and Bernie Wildes. Thank you to all that attended. Thank you Bob and Mary Tholkes for delivering the hats, mittens and scarves collected to the Salvation Army. Thank you Dennis Engebretson for your generous $100.00. gift that we raffled off as you suggested. Winners: Board Member Rose Nelson, Hike Leader Liz Miller, Club Members Barb Fitzpatrick and Bernie Wildes. THANK YOU Vicky Beutel for making and giving away the beautiful needlepoint you spent an insane number of hours creating, 'Christmas at the Cabin' won by Bob and Mary Tholkes and for the hand tatted angel ornaments you made for every person at the holiday party!!
Annual membership dues are due March 1st. $15.00 gets you a mailed copy of the Trailblazer and $7.00 an emailed copy. Make checks payable to: St Paul Hiking Club and mail them to: Rose Nelson, 2393 Eldridge Ave E., North St Paul, 55109.
01/02 Liz Miller, 01/09 Michele DuMond, 01/10 Scott Lee, 01/15 Rick Currie, 01/25 Susan Brink.
An application has been submitted for the Winter Carnival King Boreas Grande Day Parade to be held on Saturday, January 27th 2024. If interested in participating in this event, please contact Sharon Heaton at 651.207.5926.
will be held on Sunday, February 11th in a reserved room at the White Bear Lake Library, 2150 2nd St. in White Bear Lake. We will begin the meeting and proposed programs for 2024 at 1pm. Bring a dish to share and your own beverage. A 3 mile hike will follow the meeting. Contact: Sharon: 651.207.5926.
Rebecca John
Sandy Herlick 294, Don Crawford 283, Sue Crawford 278, Rose Nelson 278, Brock Herlick 276, Judy Nelson 274, Bernie Wildes 265, Wendy Worner 260, Sharon Heaton 258, Rick Nelson 258, Vicky Beutel 250, Patty Peterson 240, Vic Fickling 217, Viv Fickling 217, Bob Tholkes 184, Jane Boyer 160, Bonnie Wold 131, Bev Lee 130, Wendy Chen 109, Shirley Lee 107.
SPHC MILES HIKED THROUGH NOVEMBER 2023 = 5783 miles (Members 5491, Guests 292)
91 hikes through November
2 canceled (heat) 1 ended (lighting)
Average Sunday hike had 17.3 people Average Tuesday hike had 15.3 people.
The highest starting elevation of a hike was Bernie Wildes hike from Wildwood School in Grant on Oct 1 at 1042 above sea level.
SPHC members, last name starting with ‘H’ hiked 828 miles, ‘N’ also hiked 828 miles, ‘C’ hiked 748, ‘B’ hiked 555.
The main ingredient in the SPHC is it’s hike leaders.
When you lead a hike, you can mix in your neighborhood,
you can make it annually and you can feel part of the recipe.
I will leave you with this quote from Aristotle,
“Friendship has to begin with shared work toward the good”.
Let’s stir up a hike!
SPHC, May your New Year sparkle brighter than the Times Square ball!