If you enjoy the outdoors, like viewing the scenery, the progression of local architecture, and want to share the company with others who desire staying physically fit, our club may be right for you. If you’re 18 or older, you are welcome, this is your invitation and there is no fee for guests. Besides all that, we have fun together. Since 1921, the St. Paul Hiking Club has been a valuable and unique asset to the people of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Sunday hikes start at 2:30 p.m., cover about 5 miles and take approx. 2 hours.
Tuesday hikes start at 7:30 p.m., cover about 3 miles and last approx. 75 minutes. In winter months we add a Tuesday daytime hike, besides the night time hike.
Brief Description

Brief Description
If you enjoy the outdoors, like viewing scenery, the progression of local architecture, and want to share the company with others who desire staying physically fit, our club may be right for you. If you’re 18 or older, you are welcome. This is your invitation and there is no fee for guests. Besides all that, we have fun together. Since 1921, the St Paul Hiking Club has been a valuable and unique asset to the people of St. Paul, Minnesota area.
Sunday hikes start at 2:30 pm and cover about 5 miles, taking approximately 2 hours.
Tuesday hikes start at 7:00 pm. and cover about 3 miles, which takes approximately 75 minutes. Beginning in November through March, there are daytime hikes on Tuesday at 11:30 AM. Nighttime hikes are not offered November through March.