May 2024 Newsletter
Happy May Day SPHC!!
Sunday hikes start at 2:30 pm, go approx. 5 miles, last 1 1⁄2 – 2 hrs.
Tuesday hikes start at 07:00 pm, go approx. 3 miles, last about 1 hour.
The SPHC walks at a moderate speed of 2.5 -3.5 mph. (17-24 min. mile)
Hikers are expected to maintain that pace. Hikes start on time.
05/09 Anne Merritt, 5/26 Sara Backlund, 5/29 Mary Weber, 5/31 Pat Hustings
May 27th is Memorial Day and Hamburger Day. This ubiquitous American food staple was called a “Liberty Steak” during World War 1. It is estimated that Americans eat 50 billion hamburgers a year.
Sharon Heaton 78, Vic Fickling 76, Rose Nelson 76, Viv Fickling 73, Sandy Herlick 73, Brock Herlick 71, Judy Nelson 70, Wendy Worner 68, Shirley Lee 54, Bernie Wildes 54, Vicky Beutel 52, Bev Lee 52, Bob Tholkes 51, Carol Kelly 50, Don Crawford 49, Sue Crawford 49, Patty Peterson 48, Jane Boyer 47, Scott Lee 44, Bry Garcia 43.
Total SPHC mileage hiked through February 2024 = 1094 (Members – 1075, Guests – 19)
MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS: Annual membership dues were due March 1st. $15:00 gets you a mailed copy of the Trailblazer and $7:00 an emailed copy. You will not receive the June Trailblazer if dues are not paid. Make checks payable to: St Paul Hiking Club and mail to: Rose Nelson, 2393 Eldridge Ave. E., North St Paul, MN 55109
Stats from mileage director, Rick Nelson:
SPHC MILES HIKED IN 1ST QT 2024 = 1576 (Members 1548, Guests 28)
21 hikes completed, 4 canceled
Sharon Heaton, Vic Fickling and Rose Nelson missed only 1 completed hike this quarter.
47 different club members have hiked this quarter with 7 guests.
21 different members have led or co-led a hike in the 1st quarter.
Sharon Heston's hike from Justice Alan Page School on February 4 had the most participants with 27 hikers.
Vicky Betel's hike on March 3 from LaMotte Park was the warmest at 67 F.
Gals of the club hiked 1225 miles, Guys hiked 323 miles in this quarter.
“Each of the patriots whom we remember on this Memorial Day was first a beloved
son or daughter, a brother or sister, a spouse, friend, and neighbor. - George H. W. Bush